People from across the globe shared Diwali greetings

Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, was commemorated for the first time at the United Nations, with the world body’s imposing headquarters lit up especially on the occasion.


#HappyDiwali - Social media channels were flooded with pictures of candles, lanterns and fireworks from across the world, as people celebrated the festival.


President Obama: “To all who are celebrating the festival of lights across America and around the world, happy Diwali. As Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists light the diya, share in prayers, decorate their homes, and open their doors to host and feast with loved ones, we recognize that this holiday rejoices in the triumph of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. It also speaks to a broader truth about our shared American experience. It’s a reminder of what’s possible when we see beyond the differences that too often divide us. It’s a reflection of the hopes and dreams that bind us together. And it’s a time to renew our collective obligation to deepen those bonds, to stand in each other’s shoes and see the world through each other’s eyes, and to embrace each other as brothers and sisters - and as fellow Americans. I was proud to be the first President to host a Diwali celebration at the White House in 2009, and Michelle and I will never forget how the people of India welcomed us with open arms and hearts and danced with us in Mumbai on Diwali. This year, I was honored to kindle the first-ever diya in the Oval Office - a lamp that symbolizes how darkness will always be overcome by light. It is a tradition that I hope future Presidents will continue. On behalf of the entire Obama family, I wish you and your loved ones peace and happiness on this Diwali.”


Manoj Manjunatha Prabhu: “Today’s the `Festival of Lights’ all over; A joyful day for minds and hearts and souls; Laughter and smiles for many days; Let there be triumph in every way. Happy Diwali!”


Ankita Anand: “This Diya are dedicated to our soldiers #happydiwali #nocrackerdiwali for me. #deshbhaktiwalidiwali Jai Hind.”

Manchester United: “#HappyDiwali to all our fans celebrating the festival of lights around the world.”


Thakur Archit Singh: “This #Diwali, salutes the nation’s #bravehearts. As we celebrate, let’s not forget the fallen and the ones defending our borders. It’s their sacrifice which grants us the festivity.”

Suresh Mukund: “Another year of success and happiness has passed. With every new year comes greater challenges and obstacles in life. I wish you courage, hope, and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead.”

Many Indians dedicated the celebrations to Indian soldiers

Jaspreet Singh: “Every one who said why not to burst crackers on Diwali, please see this. Heavy smoke across Delhi making it difficult for survival. May people learn to respect the ecosystem. Happy Diwali to all and especially to the soldiers of Nation. This Diwali and all coming Diwali for me will be dedicated to your bravery.”

Karan Kochar: “On the auspicious moment of Diwali, I hope the Light of Knowledge removes the darkness of ignorance within us. The Soldiers of our country are the reason for why people are safe to enjoy this day. They are protecting the country all time from the evil as if with the spirit of Diwali. So a heartfelt wish of Diwali to the them with #Love and #Respect #Sandesh2Soldiers...”


Nadim Shaikh posted this picture


Many others commented about the need to say no to fireworks and noise pollution.


Jay Nikam: “We cannot control Industrial pollution on individual level but we can stop this pollution caused by firecrackers on an individual level.I f you still want, then burn the money with which you were going to buy the crackers. Every contribution of yours to polluting environment today is going to affect your children and there children. #saynotofirecrackers”

source : gulfnews