A popular festival in Ein al-Tina.

Locals of Quneitra and the occupied Syrian Golan took part in a popular festival in Ein al-Tina overlooking Majdal Shams town, marking the 45th anniversary of October Liberation War after a 7-year hiatus due to presence of terrorist in the area.

A number of displaced people from occupied Golan came to Ein al-Tina and participated in the festival, which was organized by Quneitra governorate, renewing the Syrians’ resolve to liberate the entire occupied Golan and raise the national flag over it.

Syria’s Grand Mufti Ahmad Badr-Eddin Hassoun stressed that the locals of the occupied Golan who have never relinquished their belonging to their lands have dashed the Zionists’ dreams in establishing an entity on the Syrian land, indicating that Syria is more determined than ever to liberate the entirely of its occupied territory.

In a speech delivered via loudspeakers from the Syrian occupied Golan, Sheikh Tahir Abu Saleh affirmed that Syria is victorious over the Zionists and the international terrorism, reiterating the confidence of the occupied Golan locals in their army and leader, and their determination to continue the struggle until Golan is fully liberated.

Syrian freedom fighter Sidqi Sulaiman al-Makt, the longest-held Syrian and Arab prisoner in Israeli jails, affirmed in a letter addressed to the audience read by his brother, the liberated prisoner Bishr al-Maqtm, determination to continue the struggle until liberating the occupied lands .

He saluted the Syrian Arab Army’s personnel and President Bashar al-Assad who preserved the sovereignty and unity of the country, and engaged in great battles against the criminals and mercenaries of the world and their supporters.