Abu Dhabi Global Market proposes new remote membership framework

The Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Abu Dhabi Global Market, ADGM, has issued a consultation paper inviting public feedback on its proposal to introduce a new Remote Membership Framework, as well as various other amendments to enhance ADGM’s capital market regime.

By enabling brokers located outside of the ADGM to access exchanges and clearing houses located within ADGM, the Remote Membership Framework helps in expanding the pool of international investor participation, facilitates cross-border flows, and increases liquidity for ADGM’s capital market. The proposed new framework will extend the reach of ADGM-based exchanges by allowing international investors to trade and settle their trades with greater convenience and choice. With the introduction of remote trading members, foreign investors can also be served by the trading professionals with access to the Abu Dhabi and regional markets.

The proposed revision is part of the FSRA’s commitment and ongoing efforts to maintain an internationally-recognised, transparent and robust capital markets regime, and as such the FSRA invites the public and industry participants to visit the official web site and find out how to submit their comments on Consultation Paper No. 5 of 2017" by 2nd January, 2018.