Civil Service Bureau (CSB)

The Employee Performance & Relations Directorate at the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) has been entrusted with the responsibility of the application of ADA? System in governmental entities, to train specialists and spread awareness and evaluation of employee’s performance in all government entities.
Also, CSB aims to familiarize the participants with ADA? (i.e. Performance) System and presents them it’s important objectives and its contribution to raising the level of employee performance and raise the productivity of the organization.
The Directorate has implemented a number of training sessions for employees of human resources directorates and those in charge of conducting employee performance management in ministries and government entities, which comes within the activities of the second session of the training program, this falls in the framework of the actual implementation of the ADA? system, where the first phase in 2014 focuses in raising the awareness and the culture of performance assessment in all government entities that fall under the umbrella of CSB.
At the same time, CSB focuses on the principle of management by objectives and the introduction of some measures of development to enhance the employee performance management system, and also making it more effective and easier to achieve the goal for which the system has been introduced and to start gradual change in employee performance management. techniques
Salah Al-Gildary, Director of Employee Performance & Relation Directorate at the CSB said that in the context, the Directorate keenness to communicate with all the specialists in the HR directorates and supervisors in charge of employee performance management in ministries and government entities, the first training session was started in June 2014 and training was conducted for 110 staffs from 9 governmental entities.
Also, the second training session was carried in the month of August which will continue until October 2014, the directorate is targeting to train staffs of 31 government entities, where the specialists at the bureau have trained so far approximately 300 staffs on evaluation procedures and employee performance management, and hopping by the end of this phase, the number of trained staffs from government entities would reach 1000.
The training sessions held in government entities focuses in developing skills of participants, introduce them to the latest developments in the field of employee performance management, giving them latest skills, training on practical applications to increase their efficiency in employee performance management program to measure and evaluate the goals, behavioral capabilities and indicators associated with them to determine the expectations about the performance of the tasks assigned to employees and the extent of its contribution to achieving the goals of the organization and to measure performance and identify performance constraints and work to remove them, which will help to improve individual performance of the government employee.