An Egyptian army

The Egyptian Armed Forces have distributed more than 1.5 million food rations to families in the poorest villages across the country.

The extra rations were delivered to the most needy people in cooperation with social solidarity directorates and 702 NGOs ahead of the Lesser Bairam.

About 364,000 food rations were distributed in Cairo, Giza, Menufiya, Qalyoubiya, Fayyoum, Beni Sweif and Minya.

As many as 400,000 rations were distributed in Assiut, Sohag, Qena, the Red Sea, Luxor, Aswan, the New Valley and Halayeb and Shalateen.

Also, 247,000 rations were distributed to citizens in the governorates of Alexandria, Kafr el Sheikh, Ghrabiya and Behaira.

The second field army distributed more than 225,000 rations to residents of Ismailia, Port Said, Daqahliya, Sharqiya, Damietta and North Sinai.

About 75,000 rations were given to citizens in Suez and South Sinai.

The western military zone distributed 69,000 rations to Matrouh residents.

Over 120,000 food rations were also distributed to citizens living around military bases and units and on the border lines of Egypt.

The army had distributed some 1.5 million food packages in the beginning of Ramadan.

So far, three million free food rations have been distributed to Egyptians in line with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's directives to ease the burden on citizens in the most needy areas.