Photo - @MctMunicipality

Heavy fines for littering, food poisoning and various other offences will come into effect from Tuesday, the municipality has warned.

Littering will cost you OMR1000, and restaurants that give customers food poisoning will face fixed fines of OMR2000 and possible closure. 

Here’s a guide to the main offences and the new rules and regulations:

Environment Anyone who destroys land by littering (whether fenced or unfenced), open spaces or wadis shall be punished by a fine of OMR1000. In case of repetition, the fine shall be doubled and the violator shall be given one day's time to transfer the waste to the places designated for it.

Tenants can call in landlords The owners of multi-storey buildings not complying with cleaning, pest control and proper disposal of waste are subject to a fine of OMR300. They are given a period of three days to fix the violation.

In case the owner or occupant of the property does not comply with the general cleaning and pest control procedures, a fine of OMR50 is imposed and a period of three days is given to terminate the violation.

In case the companies and private institutions responsible for the commercial and residential complexes of multi-storey and hotel facilities do not provide containers for the transport of waste or non-transfer of waste to the places designated for it first, a fine of OMR300 is imposed, and a period of three days is given to terminate the violation. Repeat frequency multiplied by fine.

Worker housing If the contractor fails to cover the water tanks used on the construction site or the sanitary installations and drains for the workers' housing, he shall be fined OMR200 and a period of three days shall be given to terminate the violation.

Food The penalty for the circulation of expired, prohibited, adulterated or unfit foodstuffs for food factories, slaughterhouses, food stores, refill shops and shopping malls will be OMR4000.

In case of causing food poisoning, a fine of OMR2000 shall be imposed and the shop shall be closed for a period not exceeding 10 days, with the reasons for the violation being removed.

In case of repeated violation, the license shall be revoked and shall not be granted again until six months after the date of cancellation.

Any person who does not separate the various stages of food preparation shall be fined OMR50. He shall be given a period not exceeding three days to correct the violation. He shall not confuse raw and cooked foods with a fine of OMR500.

In the event that harmful substances, rodents, insects, their effects or any of their phases or wastes are present in the foodstuff, is in violation of a fine of OMR500, the food is destroyed and the shop is closed for three days.

Barber Shops

Violations and fines will be given out in cases of non-compliance with the sanitary requirements for shaving.

To report a violation or for more information, citizens may call the Muscat Municipality Customer Service at 111.


Source: Timesofoman