The demand for industrial land in Algeria in 2013 recorded a strong increase of 40 % in one year driven in particular by measures to support investment taken ??by the government, according to the National Agency for Land Mediation and Regulation (ANIREF).  The number of requests dealt with by the Committee of assistance to localization and promotion of investment and regulation of land (Calpiref) for 2013 reached 3,851 cases, i.e. an increase of 40% compared to 2012, says ANIREF in its last note of conjuncture of which APS obtained a copy. "The demand for land concession was probably boosted by measures taken by the government. Such measures may even be an incentive to invest in industry," the agency added. "Although the economic environment remains very favorable to industry, investors expect positively by engaging in entrepreneurship and investment," explainsANIREF.  ANIREF recalls in this regard that the number of registered industrial companies increased by 5% at the end of September 2013.