The Libyan Investment Authority

The Libyan Investment Authority (LIA) today announced that the Libya Trade and Investment Forum is to take place in London on Monday 24th October 2016.

The Forum will be hosted by the LIA in conjunction with the UK Middle East Association (MEA) and Developing Markets Associates (DMA). 

The LIA, together with the MEA and DMA, has taken the decision to host the Forum on Monday 24th October 2016 following unprecedented interest in this milestone event. It is the hope of the organisers that this date will ensure that as many parties as possible are able to participate.

The Forum will cover a range of potential opportunities in Libya, with a particular focus on infrastructure, energy and the financial sector. It will also cover pressing issues around rebuilding Libya’s civil society, healthcare and welfare systems. 

The Forum will match international investors and businesses with opportunities in Libya, and discuss potential co-investment opportunities with the private sector on key infrastructure and business projects. 

Peter Meyer, the Chief Executive of the MEA, said:  

“The Presidential Council in Tripoli, and the key Libyan institutions standing firmly behind it, have the support of the UK Government and the international community. We look forward to helping re-establish the country as a fertile ground for investment, and ensuring a bright and prosperous future for Libya and its people.”

“The positive involvement of the UK Government in this event has been especially welcome. It underscores the vital role that the UK Government and UK business will continue to play in securing Libya’s future.”