Palestinians protesters

A new boycott campaign against Syria and Iran that will require the cooperation of every supporter of Middle East freedom has been launched by a group of prominent Palestinians and their world-wide supporters, it was announced here today.
"It is high time we exposed the crimes against humanity committed by the modern pharoahs of the Muslim Middle East. Hosni Mubarak and Col. Muammar Gaddafi, who enslaved the long-suffering Egyptian and Libyan peoples with 30-year dictatorships that are unprecedented in modern history have now been ousted, as has Mubarak's successor, but heretical Shi'ite regimes in Syria and Iran are being led by merciless despots who are orchestrating the genocide of the Palestinian people," stated Jordanian lawmaker Yahya Mohammad Al Saud.
Speaking to hundreds of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in front of the Syrian embassy, the prominent Middle East activist excoriated the Syrian and Iranian regimes for plundering the wealth of the more than 520,000 Palestinians in Syria and depriving them of their basic human rights.
The seasoned legal crusader also deplored the thousands of Palestinian civilians massacred by the Syrian Alawite security forces in the streets of Damascus, Latakia, Aleppo and Yarmouk, the unheard of brutality of which was coordinated and financed by the ayatollahs of Iran.
"It is simply incomprehensible that these bloodthirsty governments are committing genocide against our own people," he declared.
As a consequence, his new organization -- Palestinians for Boycotting Syrian and Iranian Goods (PABSI) --  will be demanding that all Palestinians, both at home and abroad, immediately cease buying petrol, petrochemicals, natural gas, cotton yarn, towels and garments, fruit juices, rugs, fertilisers, taboule, couscous, strawberries, dates, figs, and sheet metal from these countries. In addition, all Diaspora Palestinians with investments in these tyrannies will be pressured to divest their assets from them. 
Of greater importance is our campaign for the members of the UN Security Council to tighten their sanctions against these Nazi-like governments. 
"We are confident that the international community is prepared to support our initiative until the vicious dictatorships of Syria and Iran are overthrown and their Palestinian civilian victims in Syria are no longer subject to war crimes of indiscriminate slaughter," Al Saud affirmed.
"Rulers like  Assad and the fanatic Iranian mullahs should be taken to the gallows, just as Col. Gaddafi and Osama Bin Laden were so speedily dispatched. The welfare of the beleaguered Palestinian people must be our number one priority," he stated.
"And let us not allow the freedom-denying Hizbullah terrorists in Lebanon to assist the Alawite Assad butcher in Syria to massacre the Palestinians, " the Jordanian parliamentarian emphasized.
The new boycott campaign is supported by the Mufti of Jerusalem, His Excellency Muhammad Ahmed Hussein, world-famous BBC commentator and newspaper publisher Abdel Bari Atwan, Sky Television personality Dermot Murnaghan, Prof. Rania Masri of Balamand University in Lebanon, BDS founder Omar Barghouti, Israeli Arab Muslim legislator Taleb Abu Arar, the League for Iranian Democracy,  Prof. Ziad Abu Rish of Ohio University, the synod of the United Church of Christ, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,  Anglican Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu of South Africa, former US President Jimmy Carter, Palestinian cartoonist Carlos Latuff and all Palestinian students studying in America under the banner of Students for Justice in Palestine.
PABSI co-founder Adeeba Mabruk, a Chicago-based financial analyst, pointed out that the illegitimate Syrian and Iranian governments are being targeted by her followers with arrest warrants should they step foot in Western countries, such as Europe and the USA, or seek asylum there. Under the international laws of universal jurisdiction, war criminals and their genocidal ilk are liable to arrest upon the deposition of a citizen's complaint before the security authorities.
She emphasized that her group's actions were in complete fulfillment of the treasured American tradition of seeking justice for colonized peoples.  Moreover, they have the complete approval of her sponsors in the Palestine Authority who are deeply disturbed by the Alawite-Shi'ite war crimes, especially against Palestinian Syrians.
Casting aside her previous antipathy towards the Jewish state of Israel, Mabruk pleaded with it to join Jordan's air strikes against ISIS to remove the Syrian Assad regime's Palestinian-hating feudal Alawite ruling class. 
"Only such a humanitarian intervention can have the desired effect of halting the barbaric bombardment of the Syrian Palestinians who have seen over 3,900 of their number slaughtered or gassed with the sarin nerve agent and chlorine chemical weapons, over 195,000 forced to become refugees in Jordan and Lebanon and more than 80 percent displaced from their homes,'' she exclaimed. 
Moreover, there is now definite proof provided by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a recent G-8 Summit that the Syrian militias and ISIS have resorted to monstrous acts of extermination and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in their midst, including ripping out their intestines and eating their raw hearts and livers.
"As for our thousands of supporters around the world, we do sincerely hope they will be moved to embrace the boycott of Syrian and Iranian goods which will immeasurably help to topple these ungodly regimes," Al Saud and Mabruk concluded.
PABSI also is announcing that our faithful supporters - Alex Shams, publisher of Palestine in America and his bevy of loyal distaff activists at the University of Minnesota - who are dedicating their lives to the Palestinian people - are teaming up to shortly cross the Turkish frontier into Syria where they will document the Holocaust naqba inflicted against the Palestinians by their Syrian Arab brethren and their opponents, the Syrian Arab terrorists. 
This will allow the world to see the hundreds of Palestinian children weekly being butchered, just like in the Nazi era, in some 14 concentration camps around Yarmouk, Homs and Jaramana.
The entire Palestinian people owe these activists a deep debt of gratitude, as does the world at large, for their act of self-sacrifice.