Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab paid a visit on Tuesday to Minya governorate to follow up developments in the one-million feddan reclamation project.

The visit comes in response to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's directives on the one-million feddan reclamation project.

The Premier was accompanied by Local Development Minister Adel Labib, Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi and Agriculture Minister Salah Hilal as well as Minya Governor Salah Eldin Ziyada.

During the visit, Mahlab inspected the project site and reviewed its maps.

Irrigation officials informed Mahlab that several exploratory wells were dug in a 220,000 acres-area in west Minya to make sure that the area has groundwater and is fit for cultivation.

The government will submit a report to President Sisi on the one-million feddan reclamation project, according to Mahlab

The report will include total of spaces allocated for reclamation, sources of water and wells at these areas as well as ways of financing the project, Mahlab added.