Ministery of Supply and Internal Trade

Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Mohamed Ali Meselhi said the ministry contracted for 134,300 tons of sugar that will be directly pumped into the local market next month.

Meselhi's remark came during talks on Sunday with a number of heads of companies and ministry's sectors.

The meeting aimed at following up measures and mechanisms for providing basic goods and foodstuffs at low prices to curb price hikes and alleviate the suffering of low-income brackets.

Meselhi said the ministry has also contracted for another 500,000 tons of sugar to secure stability in home markets. 

The Egyptian official underscored the necessity of tightening up control and inspection measures on different outlets and supply complexes across the nation to ensure commodities reach people with the announced prices and to stop any monopolistic and smuggling practices. 

The ministry's inspection committees and supply investigations managed to detect 400 cases over the past ten days, according to Meselhi.