Supply Ministry

Deputy Chairman of Internal Trade Development Authority (ITDA) Yasser Abbas said Suez governorate has allocated an area of 30 feddans to set up a trade center and logistic area.

In statements to MENA, Abbas said the total value of investments would hit EGP 400 million that will be run according to the commercial developer system.

He made it clear that the project comes as part of a plan carried out by ITDA to set up a trade zone in governorates and upgrade existing markets.

As many as four logistic and trade areas would be established in Assiut, Beni Suef and Suez and Ismailia along the Suez Canal by the end of the current year, he added. 

The trade ministry's strategy to set up logistic areas and trade centers comes upon directives of the political leadership to expand trade chains across the country in a bid to control markets, increase competitiveness and provide incentives for investors from both the public and private sector.