Minister Tareq Qabil

The Foreign Trade Sector of the Trade and Industry Ministry issued its performance report during August and sent it to Minister Tareq Qabil.

According to the report, the sector participated in meetings of the expert committee on reviewing amended drafts of the unified customs tariff and meetings of the subcommittee of COMESA customs chiefs, which took place in Nairobi, Kenya.

Head of the Foreign Trade Sector Saeed Abdullah said the report covered efforts to increase Egyptian exports to foreign markets as the sector prepared studies on the volume of trade between Egypt and Africa and an analytic study on exports with relative advantages in the period between 2011 and 2016.

The sector also compiled several reports on green business and Egypt’s exports of charcoal and lead wires and imports of scrap aluminum, Abdullah said.

The minister also received a report on the performance of the Foreign Trade Training Center as its executive director Hala el Godamy said the center organized seven training courses for 166 trainees in the field of exporting and importing.