Suhail Masri

Shorter working hours and better pay are some of the most sought after factors by job seekers across all age groups, said an industry expert.

One of the main factors job seekers consider before taking on a new career opportunity is the attractiveness and the hiring potential of an industry or sector as a whole, according to him.

However, when comparing the preferences of younger millennials (under 35 years-old) and older group of millennials (above 35 years-old) in the job market, Suhail Masri, Vice president of Employer Solutions at put it down to age, work/life balance, and their drive to learn.

“According to the Millennials in the Middle East and North Africa Survey, February 2014, the younger group of millennials (below 35) are more demanding with opportunities for on-the-job learning, career growth and attractive salaries topping their agenda,” he told Gulf News.

Although more millennials currently work in the private sector than the public sector, more of the younger group said they would want to work in the public/government sector, showed the survey.

“The younger audience seeks shorter work hours, whereas the older group wants ethical practices in the workplace,” explained Masri.

The millennials survey also showed that when it comes to work/life balance, more of the younger group are willing to sacrifice their personal life largely to further their career than older millennials.

While the majority of respondents are looking for a work/life balance in the employment they seek, Masri pointed out that most working respondents to the survey, stated that they would be willing to move to another country or city or/and are willing to work long hours for better salary and perks.

Older group of millennials

When it comes to job seekers and employees over the age of 35, most look for attractive salaries, the need for challenging work and greater independence at work with the younger group, showed the survey.

Higher salaries and more training/opportunities to learn new skills were listed by the majority of respondents to the millennial survey as changes they would like to bring to an organization or a company to bolster their career growth, irrespective of sector. “Transparency in the performance evaluation system is a change that is sought after by more of the 35+ age group, along with child’s education allowances,” added Masri.

Common preferred perks and benefits among all age groups include annual/regular bonus, health and medical insurance coverage for family and housing allowance

source : gulfnews