China\'s top foreign exchange regulator has said that the amount of debt China owes foreign lenders stood at 771.95 billion US dollars as of the end of June in 2013. Data released by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange showed that of which, 403.31 billion US dollars were international commercial loans and 59.14 billion US dollars were loans extended by foreign governments and international financial organizations, according to China\'s Xinhua News Agency. Meanwhile, 309.5 billion US dollars were debts stemming from trade loans between companies, the data showed. The majority, or 80.79% of the nation\'s foreign debt was denominated in US dollar, followed by the Euro, which accounted for 5.96% in China\'s foreign debt structure, and the Japanese yen, which accounted for 5.53%, the data showed. The foreign debt data calculation did not cover debts from China\'s Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.