Egypt ,Italy, Algeria

Egyptian trade offices in Milan and Algiers signed agreements to export Egyptian products at a cost of about USD 16 million.

In statements on Sunday, Head of Egyptian Trade Representation Authority (ETRA) Ahmed Antar said this comes after efforts exerted by the trade offices abroad within the framework of the Trade Ministry's strategic vision to foster exports to other countries’ markets.

The office in Milan agreed with a grand Italian company to weekly import 21 containers to Italy at a cost 2-2.5 million Euros.

The Egyptian exports to Italy will include orange, lemon, cantaloupe, pomegranate, broccoli, cabbage, tomato and green beans.

Meanwhile, the office in Algiers agreed with an Algerian company to export 25,000 tons of olives to Algeria at a cost of USD 13.5 million. 

Egyptian exports of olives to the Algerian market reached USD 10 million in the period from January to October 2016, Antar said, adding that the exports are expected to increase in 2017 to reach USD 25 million