Tirana - XINHUA
The European Union (EU) Thursday called on Albania to be as transparent as possible in the employment in administration and fight against informality in economy.
According to Albanian Daily News, the head of the Cooperation of EU delegation's with Albania, Yngve Engstrom, said Albania should be transparent with respect to employment in administration during a workshop on employment of Balkan countries.
Engstrom said that to bring development in a country it is necessary to fight informality in the economy and undertake incentives to promote employment.
"Countries seeking integration should create as many jobs to achieve appropriate standards. The important thing is that employment in the administration should be more transparent in order to create the idea that everyone is employed on merit. Also, attention should be paid to reducing the level of unemployment as this would create more security to citizens,"Engstrom said.
The Albanian Institute of Statistics recently published a survey showing that unemployment rate in Albania is at the level of 17.9 percent while the unemployment among young people is even more concerning.