Beirut - MENA
The European Union (EU) announced that it will donate 17 million dollars in humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in Lebanon to allow them overcome Syrian crisis' repercussions.
In a press statement issued on Friday, Head of office for the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) in Lebanon Bruno Rotival said that the additional aid to Lebanon is part of a package of aid worth 64 million euros to help residents affected by the Syrian crisis inside the violence-hit country and neighboring states that host the Syrian refugees.
He further underlined that since 2012 the value of the aid provided by the EU for the Syrian refugees hit 226.1 million euros, adding that the additional aid allocated for the health sector in Lebanon will allow offering medical services to refugees in Lebanon.
Rotival reiterated that it is difficult for the refugees to receive needed treatment due to the high cost of medical services offered by private hospitals in Lebanon.
Life of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon is getting worse as they spend their money to secure their needs of food, housing and treatment, the EU official underscored, adding that Syrian children are forced to work so as to provide money for their families.