French parliament

The French parliament held a forum on Thursday on ways of achieving sustainable economic and political development in Libya.

The main focus of the forum, organized by the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) and European Press Association for Arab world, was on Egypt's role in bringing about stability in Libya.

The forum was attended by ex-French defense minister Hervé Morin, Deputy Chairman of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) Mustafa El Huni, Tunisian expert on Libyan affairs Goma AL Jasmi and Director of Studies at the World Mediterranean Economic Foresight Institute (IPEMED) Aml Chevreau.

The conferees also touched on concerns over the turning of chaos from Libya to Tunisia within the framework of luring more Tunisian young men to carry out terror attacks and the deployment of huge amounts of weapons in the neighboring countries.

With regard to the Egyptian role in the Libyan crisis, Goma Al Jasmi said that Egypt has played a key a political role in that file by bringing together all political factions and chieftains to achieve the national reconciliation.

Meanwhile, the attendees took up the political and economic challenges facing Libya and the importance of making good use of oil as a factor to accomplish political and economic stability there.

For his part, Deputy Chairman of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) Mustafa El Huni asserted the importance of achieving harmony among Libyan rival factions to form a national unity government.