
Lower House Speaker Atif Tarawneh on Thursday met with the Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Middle East and Central Asia Kristina Kostial.
Tarawneh outlined the comprehensive reforms carried out by Jordan and the legislative achievements of the Parliament as part of the steps to enhance the democratic process that will eventually evolve into a system of parliamentary governments.
He added that the Lower House will implement in the coming weeks legislation regarding tax law and public-private sector partnership, thus facilitating economic development.
He also reviewed the implications that the evolving situation in the region will have for Jordan as far as economy, society, politics and the security scenario were concerned, especially in view of the influx of refugees, interruption in the supply of Egyptian gas and suspension of Jordanian exports through Syria and Iraq.
He pointed out that the cost of living has doubled for Jordanian citizens who have not received any raise in their salaries for years in spite of the high prices experienced in the region as a whole.
Tarawneh expressed his gratefulness for the help provided by various countries and international institutions to Jordan to help it in shouldering the additional burden. "The refugees' influx stretched the Kingdom's limited resources and the Syrian-Iraqi crises required that there be more international support to Jordan," he added.
On her part, Kostial said Jordan passed through difficult times due to Iraqi and Syrian crises which put tremendous pressure on the Kingdom's budget. She also praised the great achievements made by Jordan and the importance of the Lower House's role in supporting the economic development process.