New South Wales flag

 Statistics released on Thursday by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) show New South Wales (NSW) state created nearly all the full-time jobs nation wide in the last year.

The state also continues to boast the lowest unemployment rate out of all states and territories across Australia.

NSW state treasurer Gladys Berejiklian said NSW added 83,300 full-time jobs in the last 12 months, accounting for all but 600 of the full-time net jobs created nationally.

"NSW added 124,700 jobs over the past year, easily the strongest result of any state, and more than all other states combined," Berejiklian said.

"Our economy is in the nation's number one performer thanks to a solid construction sector and buoyant consumer confidence. This is helping to create the strongest employment conditions in the country."

She noted NSW remained the top jobs market in the country, recording the lowest unemployment rate for the 11th consecutive month.

"The unemployment rate in NSW remained at 5.3 percent despite the increase in the participation rate to 64 percent, which suggests that the NSW economy is easily absorbing new entrants to the labour force," Berejiklian said.

CommSec economist Savanth Sebastian said in a statement on Thursday however that hours worked fell by 1.1 percent in April.

"Hours worked are down by 0.5 percent over the year, marking the first annual decline in hours worked in almost 3 years," Sebastian noted.