Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi said his country's political and economic stability would contribute to stability of the whole region.

Addressing Tunisia's economic, social and sustainable development forum, Tunisia 2020, which kicked off early Tuesday, Essebsi said Tunisia has made a political transition over the past six years and is currently seeking to beef up its economy that would positively reflect on the situation in the country in particular and the whole region in general.

He also said the international backing that would be garnered up from this conference would send a strong message to regain confidence in Tunisia, enhance its democratic pillars and would also provide promising chances for achieving common interests between Tunisia and any world country in light of the tensions overwhelming the whole region. 

The international conference in support of Tunisia’s economic, social and sustainable development, Tunisia 2020, brings together over a thousand local and international companies engaged in Tunisia’s economic renewal.

Organized by the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under the high patronage of the Presidency of the Republic of Tunisia, and held at the Palace Hotel in Tunis, the objective of Tunisia 2020 is to mobilize domestic and international public and private enterprise in order to set the country on the path to growth and sustainable, inclusive development.

The conference aims to present the strategy, laid out in the 2016-2020 National Plan, and its numerous projects in key sectors designed to strengthen the economy