BAS honours outstanding staff.

Bahrain Airport Services Company (BAS) has honoured its employees who contributed to the success of latest projects.
Salman Al-Mahmeed, BAS Chief Executive Officer, said: "We look forward to welcoming our highly qualified staff and appreciating their efforts in developing the business and achieving the highest standards of quality, in accordance with international standards and in line with aviation and logistics developments".

He added: "BAS is extremely concerned with its human resources, which are the key drivers for the success of the company, especially the qualified national cadres, which are invested through a number of development and training initiatives, and any success achieved by the company is a reflection of that interest."

On the other hand, the honourees expressed their great happiness, praising the support of the executive management in the company to them. They cited the directives they receive contribute to motivating them to do the best always.

The outstanding employees included the completion team of the new engineering building project , the team that contributed to the company's ISO certification in information security , and the team that worked to get the ISO certification in the technical requirements and quality management of the aircraft maintenance department.

Source: BNA