Japanese major Canon, which recently entered the cinematography imaging domain in India by launching a Cinema EOS product line, on Wednesday said it is expecting to clock Rs100 crore (Rs1 billion) in revenue from this new business in the next five years. The leading camera maker unveiled three advanced Cinema EOS range cameras, including EOS C300, EOS C500 and EOS 1-DC, along with 11 Cinema EOS lenses in July this year. “In 2013 we are expecting a turnover of Rs.25 crore from the new domain. We expect that in the next five years it would be around Rs100 crore,” Canon India senior vice president Alok Bharadwaj said here. Bharadwaj said in the cinematography segment, the firm would have a portfolio of four cameras by December. He said the company had formed a three-member team, having good knowledge in the domain, and was looking at tying up with leading production houses in the country. “We are talking to production houses. We have created the team which can understand their language. Our focus area is Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. And we will also be looking at Malayalam movies,” he said. “The company said it was also in touch with almost every house which rented out big cameras to the production houses. From gulftoday