The Middle East\'s biggest and the best consumer electronics retail show, known as GITEX Shopper 2012, will kick off here Saturday. The eight-day event will be held on an area of 35,000 square meters at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The show will be the biggest and best yet, with 25 percent increased exhibitor space to accommodate a surge in industry demand and more than 25,000 of the latest cutting-edge products and gadgets on the market. Over 120 electronic companies from the four corners of the globe are contributing to the event including some of the world\'s top consumer IT and electronics brands, including industry giants Bose, Dell, Epson, Fujitsu, HP, HTC, Intel, Nintendo, Samsung, Sanford and Seagate. Attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year, GITEX SHOPER 2012 is expected to offer the biggest ever sales extravaganza, with exclusive show offers, bundled deals, exciting competitions and launches of the latest technology products. The high-energy consumer show also attracts a diverse audience that includes IT professionals, technology enthusiasts, students and consumers as well as regional traders. A staggering 169,018 visitors attended GITEX Shopper 2011 and the show recorded a total of 193 million Emirati dirhams in sales.