US retail chain Macy\'s is planning to open some stores at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day, some of the company\'s employees said. Macy\'s is not the first major retailer to succumb to \"holiday creep,\" which is the eroding restraint among retailers to keep stores closed for the national holiday, knowing that the biggest sales event of the year, Black Friday, is just around the corner. Toys R Us broke the ice, opening stores at 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving evening two years ago. Others, including Walmart, Target, Kmart and Sears, followed, the newspaper said. Toys R Us last year took the creeping a step further, opening stores at 8 p.m. Most of the sources did not want to be named, USA Today reported Monday. The issue has set up a conflict between some employees who want to have their holiday remain untouchable and store management seeking any edge.