Chicago - UPI
Grain futures rallied higher Friday on strong demand in the soybean market and a weaker dollar index. On the Chicago Board of Trade, corn was up 6 1/2 to 10 1/2, soybeans were up 11 3/4 to up 19 1.2, wheat was up 2 1/4 to up 8 and oats were up 3 3/4 to up 5. Corn followed soybeans higher and was buoyed by ideas the market is ready for a rebound. Wheat recovered some of the market\'s losses Friday but still ended the week sharply lower. Traders are focusing on demand. The prices: Corn: Dec 7.18 3/4 up 6 1/2, Mar 7.30 3/4 up 10 1/2, May 7.33 3/4 up 9 3/4, Jly 7.30 1/4 up 9. Soybeans: Jan 14.96 up 19 1/2, Mar 14.91 1/2 up 19, May 14.71 1/2 up 15, Jly 14.53 up 13 3/4. Wheat: Dec 8.01 up 8, Mar 8.14 up 5 1/2, May 8.26 1/4 up 5, Jly 8.33 up 3 1/2. Oats: Dec. 3.74 3/4 up 5, Mar 3.89 3/4 up 2 3/4, May 3.95 1/ up 3 3/4, Jly 3.94 1/2 up 3 1/4.