Chicago - UPI
Grain futures prices closed higher on the Chicago Board of Trade Monday with the U.S. dollar index flat, dropping 0.05 percent to 80.24. Corn was up 1 1/2 to up 2 3/4, soybeans were up 6 to up 9 1/2, wheat was up 1 1/4 to up 5 and oats were off 1/4 to up 2 3/4. Corn prices closed higher on an export report that came out Friday, while many traders were taking a holiday day off. Wheat found support from continued poor conditions for the fall planted winter wheat crop. Soybean meal headed higher, helped by a surge in soybean oil sales. The prices: Corn: Dec 7.47 1/4 up 1 3/4, Mar 7.51 1/4 up 1 1/2, May 7.48 3/4 up 2, Jly 7.40 1/4 up 2 3/4. Soybeans: Jan 14.24 3/4 up 6, Mar 14.12 1/4 up 9 1/4, May 13.92 1/4 up 9 1/2, Jly 13.85 1/2 up 9 1/4. Wheat: Dec 8.49 up 1 1/4, Mar 8.63 3/4 up 2 1/4, May 8.70 1/2 up 2 1/2, Jly 8.59 1/4 up 5. Oats: Dec 3.68 3/4 off 1/4, Mar 3.85 1/4 up 2 1/4, May 3.87 1/2 up 2 3/4 Jly 3.88 1/4 up 2.