Chicago - UPI
Grain futures prices closed mixed on the Chicago Board of Trade Wednesday, as the dollar index fell slightly and U.S. stocks swung higher. Corn was unchanged to up 1/2, soybeans were off 2 1/2 to off 5 1/4, wheat was up 2 1/2 to up 5 and oats were off 2 1/4 to off 4 3/4. Corn was little changed with support coming from an upbeat mood in equity markets that began after the Federal Reserve Beige Book was released and some analysts concluded the central bank would continue to buy securities in 2013. Wheat found support from uneven weather conditions in South America. Soybean prices slipped, also taking a cue from conditions in South America. The prices: Corn: Dec 7.60 1/4 up 1/4, Mar 7.64 unchanged, May 7.62 up 1/2, Jly 7.53 up 1/2. Soybeans: Jan 14.46 1/4 off 3, Mar 14.35 off 2 1/2, May 14.10 1/2 off 3 3/4, Jly 14.01 3/4 off 5 1/4. Wheat: Dec 8.76 up 3, Mar 8.91 1/4 up 2 3/4, May 8.97 3/4 up 2 1/2, Jly 8.87 1/2 up 5. Oats: Dec 3.70 3/4 off 2 1/4, Mar 3.87 1/4 off 2 1/4, May 3.90 off 2 1/4 Jly 3.89 1/2 off 4 3/4.