Chicago - UPI
Grain futures closed lower in Chicago Wednesday with the dollar index starting the day down, then closing slightly higher, up 0.09 percent. On the Chicago Board of Trade, corn was off 5 3/4 to off 7 1/2, soybeans were off 13 1/4 to off 17 1/4, wheat off 19 3/4 to off 22 3/4 and oats were off 10 1/2 to off 12. Corn futures dropped in the first trading session of the new year on reports on improved weather in Brazil and Argentina. Wheat prices slid with snow cover in the some winter wheat regions seen as insulation against winter kill. Soybean futures dropped with weather in southern Brazil favorable for the harvest that is about to begin. The prices: Corn: Mar 6.90 3/4 off 7 1/2, May 7.93 1/2 off 6 3/4, Jly 6.90 3/4 off 6 1/2, Sep 6.15 1/2 off 5 3/4. Soybeans: Jan 14.05 1/2 off 13 1/4, Mar 13.92 1/4 off 17 1/4, May 13.84 1/4 off 15, Jly 13.82 off 13 1/4. Wheat: Mar 7.55 1/4 off 22 3/4, May 7.66 off 21 3/4, Jly 7.73 off 20 3/4, Sep 7.87 1/4 off 19 3/4. Oats: Mar 3.35 1/2 off 12, May 3.42 3/4 off 11 3/4, Jly 3.47 1/4 off 10 1/2, Sep 3.41 1/4 off 10 1/2.