Chicago - UPI
Grain futures closed mostly higher on the Chicago Board of Trade despite a 0.33 percent gain in the dollar index. Corn was up 4 to up 7 3/4, soybeans were off 4 1/4 to off 6, wheat was up 15 3/4 to up 17 1/2 and oats were up 3/4 to up 2 1/2. Corn prices rose modestly with fund b buying setting the pace. Wheat futures found support from tenders issued by Syria and Algeria, although demand is considered generally weak. Soybean prices dropped with pressure from South America, where crops show signs of completing the season with strong yields. The prices: Corn: Mar 7.30 1/2 up 6 1/2, May 7.30 3/4 up 7 3/4, Jly 7.21 up 7, Sep 6.14 up 4. Soybeans: Mar 14.13 1/2 off 4 1/2, May 13.99 3/4 off 5 1/2, Jly 13.92 3/4 off 6, Aug 13.65 1/4 off 4 1/4. Wheat: Mar 7.82 3/4 up 15 3/4, May 7.91 up 17 1/2, Jly 7.94 1/4 up 17 1/4, Sep 8.02 1/4 up 17 1/2. Oats: Mar 3.56 1/2 up 2 1/2, May 3.62 1/4 up 2 1/2, Jly 3.65 1/2 up 3/4, Sep 3.64 3/4 up 3/4.