Chicago - UPI
Grain futures closed mostly higher on the Chicago Board of Trade Wednesday as demand remained high following a drought-plagued summer. Corn was up 2 3/4 to up 3 1/4, soybeans were off 4 1/4 to off 8 1/2, wheat was up 10 1/2 to up 17 1/4 to up 1 1/2 and oats were up 3 3/4 to up 5 1/4. Corn prices rose as ethanol production was pegged at 827,000 barrels per day in the week ending Friday. Wheat prices rose sharply on supply concerns, while soybean futures were off with pressure from improved conditions in growing regions of Brazil. The prices: Corn: Dec 7.44 1/4 up 3 1/4, Mar 7.46 up 3, May 7.42 1/2 up 2 3/4, Jly 7.33 3/4 up 2 3/4. Soybeans: Nov 15.08 3/4 off 8, Jan 15.07 off 8 1/2, Mar 14.85 1/4 off 5 3/4, May 14.61 off 4 1/4. Wheat: Dec 8.94 up 17, Mar 9.07 3/4 up 17 1/4, May 9.14 up 16 1/2, Jly 8.90 up 10 1/2. Oats: 3.65 1/4 up 5 1/4, Mar 3.72 1/2 up 3 3/4, May 3.72 3/4 up 4 3/4, Jly 3.69 3/4 up 3 3/4.