Kuwait Stock Exchange ended trading session on Thursday with mixed indices, with the weighted index finished at 418.37, shedding 0.81 points and the KSE 15 ended the session with a loss of 1.48 points, to read 1,021.06 points. The price index meanwhile kept to green and ended the day on 5,878.98 points, a gain of 4.3 points. Trades came to 6,329 transactions, worth 24,513,346.833, and volume of shares changing hands reached 376,362,449. The sector indices were also a mix, seven in green, and another seven in red, while remaining two indices showed no change since last closing. Top gainer share today was that of Flex Resorts and Real Estate Company, while top loser that of Al-Mudon International Real Estate Company, while top volume stock was of National Ranges Company.