Kuwait - KUNA
uwait Stock Exchange (KSE) witnessed last week noticeable trades by leading players thus leading to reasonable hikes by the main indices of the stock market. Al-Oula Financial Brokerage Company said in a report issued on Saturday that traded liquidity rose particularly during the last three session, where it exceeded KD 57 million, including KD 31 million, involving in particular trades of the Commercial Bank of Kuwait. Trades soared due to upbeat sentiments among investors, with launch of works of the National Assembly (parliament) and formation of a new government. Substantial speculations also boosted this tendency. Average daily value of trading reached KD 41.6 million, compared with KD 31. 5 million last week. The report indicated that investors were also motivated with forecast distribution of stock dividends and profit pocketing by investing companies. Forecast optimism may draw more liquidity into the market in coming days.