Sydney - XINHUA
There was a call on Thursday for fisherman casting lines into rough seas off the rocky coastline of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia to be required to wear lifejackets.
Around seven lives of fishermen who fish in the dangerous environment where waves can sweep over rocks and drag them into the ocean are taken each year.
Many of the fishermen from Sydney's diverse ethnic communities cannot "read" the rhythm of the ocean and waves and worse, cannot swim.
Since 2012, 35 rock fishermen lives have been lost in NSW.
The NSW deputy coroner Carmel Forbes has been investigating eight deaths between 2012 and 2015 and has concluded lifejackets should be compulsory for such fishermen.
"The emotional and social cost of these deaths to family, friends and the community is enormous," she said.
Rescue operations are "dangerous, resource intensive and normally undertaken in treacherous conditions".
Rock fishing deaths and recovery of bodies cost between 450,000 Australian dollars and 600,000 Australian dollars per incident.
The deputy coroner noted that the current measures in place to protect rock fishermen have not seen any reduction in deaths.
Forbes said life jackets should be mandatory and that the cost of the proposed measure would be "far outweighed by the saving of lives and subsequent reduction of social and financial costs associated with the loss of lives in rock fishing."
Fishing associations complained lifejackets were cumbersome and took away some of the excitement of the sport.