Qatar Stock Exchange

Qatar Exchange index lost 7.88 points (-0.07%) this week when the bourse closed Thursday afternoon at 11,979.83 points.

Trading value during this week increased by 18.71% to reach QR 1,959,220,780.91 compared to QR 1,650,440,816.54.

Trading volume increased by 0.07% to reach 44,231,349 shares, as against 44,201,645 shares, while the number of transactions rose by 9.13%, to reach 25,097 transactions as compared to 22,997 transactions.

Market capitalization fell by 0.05% to reach QR 643,509,705,005.49 as compared to QR 643,850,277,568.15 at the end of previous week.

Industries sector led traded value this week with 43.2% of the total traded value. Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 21.58%. Real Estate sector accounted for 15.88% and Telecoms sector accounted for 9.57%.

Real Estate sector led traded volume this week with 27.82% of the total traded volume. Industries sector accounted for 24.33%. Telecoms sector accounted for 19.54% and Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 16.91%.

Industries sector led traded number of transactions this week with 36.62% of the total number of transactions. Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 22.10%. Real Estate sector accounted for 17.20% and Telecoms sector accounted for 11.13%.

From the 43 listed companies 19 ended this week higher, while 21 fell and three unchanged.

Gulf International Services (GIS) led traded value during this week accounted for 32.07% of the total traded value. Vodafone Qatar accounted for 7.52% and Barwa Real Estate accounted for 7.47%.