Qatar Stock Exchange

Qatar Exchange index gained 114.63 points (+0.95%) this week when the bourse closed Thursday afternoon at 12,164.48 points.

Trading value during this week increased by 41.51% to reach QR 2,420,786,960.99 compared to QR 1,710,646,725.86.

Trading volume increased by 29.97% to reach 55,686,513 shares, as against 42,845,619 shares, while the number of transactions rose by 16.39%, to reach 28,228 transactions as compared to 24,253 transactions.

Market capitalization rose by 1.06% to reach QR 653,762,389,488.70 as compared to QR 646,931,216,477.86 at the end of previous week.

Real Estate sector led traded value this week with 28.83% of the total traded value. Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 27.00%. Industries sector accounted for 22.35% and Consumer Goods and Services sector accounted 9.36%.

Real Estate sector led traded volume this week with 36.52% of the total traded volume. Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 20.77%. Consumer Goods and Services sector accounted for 13.42% and Industries sector accounted 11.36%.

Banking and Financial Services sector led traded number of transactions this week with 28.26% of the total number of transactions. Real Estate sector accounted for 22.85%. Industries sector accounted for 19.91% and Consumer Goods and Services sector accounted for 12.15%.

From the 43 listed companies 23 ended this week higher, while 19 fell and one unchanged.

Barwa Real Estate led traded value during this week accounted for 20.59% of the total traded value. Gulf International Services accounted for 11.09% and QNB accounted for 7.21%.