The Tadawul All-Share Index (TASI) reflecting a falling peak-trough combination yesterday closed lower at 6,884.29 points, trimming 34.77 points or 0.50 percent for the entire day. It performed within a trading range of 59 points yesterday. The TASI trimmed its year-to-date gains to 7.27 percent. All market cap indices traded in the red zone. All sector indices at Saudi stock market closed in red, paring an aggregate of 438 points. The top decliner was Multi-Investment, tumbled 87.9 points or 2.51 percent; Insurance and Transport sectors followed it, declining more than one percent for the day. However, Media and Publishing sector suffered least losses comparatively, down 0.04 percent to close at 2,781.80 points. Most of heavyweights fell down from previous day\'s level, with Kingdom Holding dipping by 3.62 percent, Etihad Etisalat Co. (Mobily) 0.67 percent and SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries Corp.) 0.56 percent. Decliners outnumbered the advancers by a margin of 105 to 38 and the prices of 12 companies remained unchanged. Saudi Indian Co. for Cooperative Insurance - SIIC made the biggest jump among all Saudi equities, achieving a maximum growth of 7.33 percent to close the day at SR 48.3. On the contrary, Amana Cooperative Insurance - the best performer of previous day - suffered worst of all equities, showing a reduction of 9.94 percent to finish at SR 195. Tadawul daily turnover, however, improved by 16.8 percent on volume basis, 16.3 percent on value basis and 22.3 percent in terms of executed transactions. From : Arabnews