Ukraine's auto production

Vehicle production in the crisis-hit Ukraine plunged 86.7 percent year-on-year to 3,181 units in the first half of 2015, the Ukravtoprom Analysis Group said on Tuesday in their latest report.

From January through June, the output of passenger cars saw the largest yearly decline of 89.9 percent, and that of buses and trucks was 45.3 percent and 21.9 percent down, the report said,

Last month, Ukrainian carmakers produced 1,254 vehicles, which made up 39 percent of the total production for the first six months of the year.

The June output marked an increase of 1 percent from the same month of 2014 and a 183.7-percent surge from May.

Ukraine's auto-makers are suffering major losses amid sharp decline in domestic demand triggered by the ongoing crisis in the country.

Last year, a total of 28,751 vehicles were produced in Ukraine, down by 43 percent from 2013.