Albanian Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Entrepreneurship ArbenAhmetaj said on Saturday that Albania is seen as an attractive country by foreigninvestors, according to ATSH.During a meeting in Albanian 2014 Job fair in Tirana, Ahmetaj informed that thereare several foreign companies from Italy, Germany, Austria and Britain operating inmechanic industry have expressed their interest to invest in Albania.Ahmetaj pointed out that the Albanian government is doing everything in itscapacity to improve business climate, approaches to employment and ideas forrapid economic development.He added that this fair is a great opportunity for job-seekers."Private business is beyond question a generator of employment," Ahmetaj said.According to Ahmetaj, the presence of 170 Italian companies in "Italian Week" whichopens on May 5 in Tirana, will provide great opportunities for Albania.Over 80 companies are participating in the Albanian 2014 Job fair opened fromApril 30 in Tirana which features 6,000 job advertisements