The independent candidate to the presidential election of 17 April, Ali Benflispledged Friday in Tipasa '70-km west of Algiers) tp boost the agricultural sector andmake it more competitive."From Tipasa, a farming province, I promise to develop the sector through acomprehensive plan," Benflis said at an electoral meeting. "Algeria has huge agricultural potentialities but has become among the world'smajor importers of foodstuffs, which may threaten its food security," he warned."We must develop the sector and make it more competitive in order to ensure ourfood security and also to export," he explained, adding that his national revivalproject, which he is proposing to the Algerian people, comprises many measures tothat end.Among these measures, he cited the need to reconsider the support mechanisms forfarmers, encourage food industries and reduce food bill.Benflis also promised, if elected, to address the concerns of the sector of fishing andaquaculture through the professionalization of trades related to continental anddeep-sea fishing and the reorganization of the marketing channels of seafoodproducts.The former head of government underlined the importance of this question forAlgeria, which seeks to ensure its food security.