Doha - QNA
Trade relations between Brazil and the Arab world continueto go from strength to strength as the former has exported $14.037 billion last year,the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce said on Tuesday .Arab countries mainly imported livestock, meat, fat, cooking oil, grains, seed, fruits,sugar, spices, tea and coffee from the South American country nation during the pastyear.Saudi Arabia came top of the list of importers from Brazil, exporting products worth$2.839 billion. UAE was second, slightly behind the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, andexported products worth $2.589 billion. Egypt was the third highest exporters,spending$2.201billiononBrazilianproducts.TheArabBrazilian Chamber of Commerce was established to consolidate andexpand partnerships, generate opportunities, and bring Arab and Braziliancompanies together. It has been in operation for more than 60 years, playing anactive role in boosting economic, cultural and tourism activities and facilitating theflow of information between Arabs and Brazilians.