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Salaries and employment in Bulgaria grew year-on-year in the first quarter of 2016, according to preliminary data released by the country's National Statistical Institute (NSI) here on Monday.

Compared to the first quarter of 2015, the average monthly wages and salaries in the first quarter of 2016 rose by 8.4 percent, with growth rates of 9.2 percent in the private sector and 6.0 percent in the public sector, NSI said.

The highest growth rates were recorded in "Professional, scientific and technical activities" -- 16.0 percent, "Real estate activities" -- 11.8 percent, and "Administrative and support service activities" -- 10.7 percent, NSI said.

Meanwhile, NSI said the number of employees under labor contract at the end of March 2016 increased by 49,200 or 2.2 percent compared to March 2015.

The highest increase in absolute figures was observed in economic activities "Manufacturing" -- 11,500, "Administrative and support service activities" -- 10,400, and "Accommodation and food service activities" -- 7,900.

In percentages, the highest increase was in "Administrative and support service activities" -- 9.6 percent, "Accommodation and food service activities" -- by 8.3 percent, and "Information and communication" -- by 6.1 percent, NSI said.

At the same time, the highest decrease in absolute figures was registered in "Construction" -- by 5,300 people, and in percentages in "Mining and quarrying" -- by 4.3 percent.