Ankara - Anadolu
A report on the economic impact of the recent Turkish municipal elections, preparedby Justice and Development (AK) Party Deputy Chairman Numan Kurtulmus, saysthat the AK Party's victory contributed approximately 52 billion Turkish Lira(approximately $24.3 billion) to the Turkish economy.The report, titled "Impact of March 30 Local Elections on Economy," said the Turkisheconomy has reestablished stability significantly in first two weeks of Aprilfollowing the fluctuations in economy preceding the March 30 municipal elections,marked by the fallout from the December 17 anti-graft probe.The report says that the value of Turkish government bonds has increased by 3.95billion lira ($1.8 billion), while the value of short-term foreign debt stocks decreasedby 9.27 billion lira ($4.3 billion). Borsa Istanbul stocks climbed by 26.11 billion lira($12.2 billion).Kurtulmus's report asserts that the total economic benefit, as of two weeks after theelections, amounts to 52.07 billion lira ($24.4 billion). The report asserts economicstability has increased significantly. As the AK Party increased their share of votes inmunicipal elections, gains in economic stability is not expected to be lost due to theupcoming presidential election to be held in August, and general elections to be held in 2015.