The parliamentary Committee on Human Resources Development decided Monday to assign a team of experts to develop what it called the strategic alternative project, put forward by the Civil Service Commission (CSC), for salaries and wages of civil servants. The team is scheduled to report to the committee on the blueprint within a fortnight, chairman of the committee MP Yaqoub Al-Sane'''' told reporters at the National Assembly. "Today''''s meeting of the committee debated the observations raised by the MPs on the proposed strategy and agreed to work with the executive authority for addressing the possible shortcomings," he said. "While developing the draft, the newly-formed team will take stock of the views of the CSC, the private sector investors, the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (SCPD), Kuwait Economic Society (KES), and the Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP)," Al-Sane''''pointed out. He expected the draft to be based on official figures, meet the government vision and agenda as well as the development plan and the related laws, and encourage the private sector. The team will present a study that could serve as a nucleus for a legislation setting out regulations for the salaries, occupational safety, equality, and end-service benefits, he added