German exports slumped more thanforecast in February,data released Wednesday showed, pointing to the impact of recentturmoil in emerging economies, according to dpa.Monthly exports slumped by 1.3 per cent after gaining 2.2 per cent inJanuary, the Federal Statistics Office said.Imports rose 0.4 per cent after surging by 4.1 per cent in January,thanks to the strength of the domestic market as well as solid demandfrom key eurozone trading partners.As a result, the trade surplus narrowed to 15.7 billion euros (20.8billion dollars) from 17.1 billion euros in January, the statisticsoffice said.German exports in February were 4.6 per cent higher compared with the same last year, while imports 6.5 per cent on the year.While exports to the 18-member eurozone rose 3.7 per cent in Februarycompared with a year earlier, exports to nations outside the EuropeanUnion, which includes the UnitedStates, China as well as troubledemerging economies, rose by 1.8 per cent.Imports from the eurozone were up 8.4 per cent in the year, whileimports from non-EU states gained 2 per cent.