Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe spoke at the World Government Summit (WGS) on Sunday through video link.
Complimenting the United Arab Emirates for organizing the event, he said: “As the world becomes more culturally diverse, it is critical that we understand how these traditions will coexist in the future. It is critical that governments use this diversity as a pillar to enable economic growth based on innovation.”
He said: “When I visited Dubai in 2013, I was impressed by the way in which various peoples from different parts of the world coexist. Furthermore, I commend the creation of the Ministry of Happiness because it demonstrates that happiness is indeed the responsibility of governments.”
Kentaro Sonoura, senior vice foreign minister of Japan, expressed his deep respect for the UAE’s efforts to promote tolerance and diversity. He said: “Your commitment to the environment, public health, human development and good governance are benchmarks for governments around the world. In addition, your investments in education and innovation will ensure a brighter tomorrow.”
“The role of government is to invest in people’s future by
promoting education and innovation. Governments must invest in new technology and create regulatory reforms to pave the way for greater success,” he said.

Source: Arab News