Zarqa - Petra
The Zarqa Chamber of Commerce on Sunday evening signeda Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Romanian Chamber of Commerceand Industry of Prahova to develop economic and trade cooperation between thetwo cities.The agreement aims to coordinate the exchange of specialists and experts fromBelarus and Romania by holding exhibitions, forums, seminars and conferences toraise awareness among the business communities on the import and exportpotentials in the two countries, as well as organizing training courses forspecialists.The MOU also stressed the need to exchange information and data between the twochambers to increase economic ties and facilitate legal procedures, in addition toencouraging small and medium enterprises in each country.Under the agreement, the two chambers will also hold regular joint meetings andcounseling sessions, as well as conduct joint activities.The MoU was sealed by President of Zarqa Chamber of Commerce Hussein Shreimand President of Prahova Chamber of Commerce and Industry Aurelian Gogolescu.