Beirut - NNA
Finance Minister Muhammad Safadi on Monday tackled with former Minister Adnan Qassar various economic dossiers on top of which the budget project which requires the resumption of cabinet sessions. Qassar noted that the budget plan submitted by Minister Safadi, as well as the economic bodies\' and private sectors\' remarks herein were the center of discussion in this meeting. Qassar confirmed that cabinet sessions needed to be resumed so as to ratify the budget and the pending economic files, the soonest possible. \"The country should not remain without budget, since 2005,\" he said, assuring to Safadi that the budget\'s starting point is by reducing public expenses and putting an end to money wasting. Qassar suggested on Safadi the participation of the private sector in finding solutions for the reactivation of the national economy, particularly at the level of investments, as this sector had the capacity to contribute in restructuring and reorganizing the state\'s revenues. \"Government\'s taxes policies are dangerous as they put to jeopardy the national economy,\" he warned. Also, both men tackled the transportation allowance issue which is still pending up till now. \"A legal way out must be found immediately,\" Qassar said finally.