Five Bollywood actors have been charged by an Indian court for allegedly hunting black bucks, a protected species, 14 years ago. Actors Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Tabu and Neelam appeared before Jodhpur chief judicial magistrate Chandra Kala Jain on Saturday to hear the charges, The Times of India reported. Actor Salman Khan is also charged in the case but did not appear in court. The five have been charged with the hunting of a protected animal, encouraging others to committing an offense of hunting, and unlawful assembly, for allegedly hunting black bucks in 1998. They have all pleaded not guilty. If convicted, the actors face up to six years in jail. Khan is also scheduled appear before a Sessions Court on Monday to be charged by a judge for a fatal 2002 hit-and-run case, Hindustan Times reported. In that case, Khan is accused of driving over several people who were sleeping on the pavement in the city of Bandra. One person was killed in the incident and four others were injured.